52词语>英语词典>parcel out翻译和用法

parcel out

英 [ˈpɑːsl aʊt]

美 [ˈpɑːrsl aʊt]



  • PHRASAL VERB 分享;瓜分
    If you parcel out something, you divide it into several parts or amounts and give them to different people.
    1. They signed an agreement that parcelled out the Middle East into several spheres of influence.




  • This tends to mean less conflict regarding how to parcel out time, not having to juggle school, family and job.
  • They signed an agreement that parcelled out the Middle East into several spheres of influence.
  • Clients, post-Lehman, are tending to parcel up their assets into smaller and smaller bundles and farm them out to different relationship managers at different banks.
  • Its atomized parcel is so small that no drip is separated out. This kind of centrifugal nozzle has high humidifying efficiency and low energy cost, which could be used in many situations in textile factories such as directly humidifying in workshop and humidifying in air pipeline.
  • Through analyzing the success of China Railway Express ( CRE) in exploiting parcel delivery service network, this paper displays the main problems existing in Chinese railway system and points out directions for its reform.
  • This article discusses the current status of Chinese railway luggage parcel transportation, points out the problems of railway luggage parcel transportation and puts forward relevant countermeasures to develop Chinese railway luggage parcel transportation.
  • On a dusty, cactus-studded parcel of land heading south out of Mexico City, SMG members receive rudimentary training in Mexican law, detailed coaching in the use of firearms as well as what to do in specific emergencies.
  • God has spoken from his sanctuary:'In triumph I will parcel out Shechem and measure off the Valley of Succoth.
  • Then the woman simply took the parcel and walked out of the shop without paying.
  • As a result, banks such as Morgan Stanley, which had been enthusiastic providers of credit for daring buy-outs, were struggling to parcel out debt that had, until then, fuelled an unprecedented private equity boom.